May 1, 2015

Working professionals in the human services and education realms have committee their lives to helping others.   They have gone to school and received degrees in a special academic area tied too the service of others.   This is often designated as service leadership.  They live the social justice philosophy  daily. They are aware that they will often have to work for organizations that receive their financial support from public  or governmental sources.  Many people have physical and mental problems that need support from these health and education supporting professionals.   Children need to be educated.   Teaching is not an alternative form of service for people who cannot get jobs elsewhere.  Parents may need day care from professionally trained individuals so they can support their families.  Many people have low incomes or no income which leads to poverty and a low quality of life.  People with disabilities need help too maintain themselves and remain in their home communities.  Wounded veterans who fought for our country and were then forgotten struggle.  The expectation of many of our elected officials is that the private sector or local contributors will help all these people.   They do but it is not enough.  Government still has an important role to play. Government still seems to not only blame the victim but also their helpers.

Our politicians have helped our people until recent years.    Presidents Kennedy and Johnson led the way. Many programs were created from the 1960s until the beginning of this new century.  President Obama pushed health reform to help millions of uninsured people.  Many of our leaders historically fought to help our American people. But some thingshave happened. Our elected officials have been bought by special interest groups.  Elections are more about money than people issues.  Our social justice fabric has frayed.  Corruption seems to have increased on both   sides of the political aisle.  Truth is not a governing principle anymore. Monies in our governmental coffers has been spent on many frivolous projects.  Our leadership has deteriorated.  Our country has moved dangerously to the right.  Money or lack of it rules over many social issues.   Retirees pensions are in danger. Governments in many states are cutting or elimination educational programs that help our needy neighbors.  We have voted for change that honors the rich, companies and international conglomerates over people, shrinking the middle class, and turning us back to a way of life that diminishes our people and our society.

We need leaders who will fight for the people. We nee to make social justice a reality again if we are to survive as a strong and independent nation.